EcoBuz Humigro Soil Conditioner

EcoBuz Humigro Soil Conditioner

For decades gardeners have focused on plant nutrition and health, however the real conversation starts with building your soil health and ecosystem.

In nature, soils are continuously enriched by degradation and decomposition of fallen plant material. This fallen plant material is broken down into humus by the actions of specialist soil microbes. All too often soil is lacking these critical microbes to assist is the breakdown of organic matter.

HUMIGRO is a valuable CARBON-based soil conditioner.

Humate granules are produced from extracts of ancient Leonardite deposits, formed from the long-term breakdown of prehistoric vegetative matter.

This unique material is a rich source of carbon and complex nutritional elements, with valuable soil conditioning properties.

Soil-organic carbon forms the basis of soil fertility.


  • releases nutrients for plant growth
  • feeds beneficial micro-organisms
  • promotes soil structure
  • buffers against harmful substances

Which positively impacts the biological and physical SOIL HEALTH



Additional information

Weight 0.040 kg
Dimensions 10 × 10 × 2 cm

3 Pack 5g Sachets, 600g Tub

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