Minimum infrastructure required to establish nurseries;
Ease of seeding and planting of picked seedlings due to soft, airy growing medium;
Improved germination rates due to high quality growing medium and faster growth rates;
Significant increase in root mass improving survival and growth rates once planted out;
Minimal transplant shock, no cutting of plastic and damage to roots, simply plant the whole pellet;
Netting prevents growing media from fouling hydroponic sys
How to use Jiffy 7C pellets.
Remove pellets from cartons and hydrate by placing in wa-ter—filled containers or by spraying with overhead spray. Pel-lets can also be hydrated while in trays using ebb and flow method or overhead spraying;
Plant seeds or cuttings directly into hydrated pellets at the depth required for the particular crop type;
Water as per requirement for the crop and environment, re-membering that coco peat usually requires less water applied more frequently;
No fertilisation is required in the first week or so of growth but thereafter suitable fertilisation is required;
Grow the seedling/cutting to planting size and then plant the whole pellet into the soil or growing system;
Plants will easily root through the Jiffy 7C netting and develop into soil or growing medium.